October 06, 2008

configure tomcat web server on Windows XP

I extracted tomcat into some folder. When I tried to run tomcat and what do you know it were not working. Argh...After red some of text in the tomcat5 folder, these are what i should do to make tomcat works:

1. Set an environment variable named JAVA_HOME to the pathname of the directory into which you installed the jdk.

right click "My Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variable -> New ->
a. set "Variable Name" with "JAVA_HOME"
b. set "Variable value" with "F:\Java\jdk1.5.0_10". This is depend where you installed jdk.

2. Open tomcat5\bin\catalina.bat. Set "CATALINA_HOME" with "F:\Java\tomcat5". This is depend where you extracted tomcat5.

3. To start tomcat run "F:\Java\tomcat5\bin\startup.bat". Open your browser and run "http://localhost:8080/".

That's it. Now my tomcat works.

Btw, if you want to stop tomcat run "F:\Java\tomcat5\bin\shutdown.bat"

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